
MFDA Membership

A sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation or a limited liability company that owns directly all or substantially all of the assets of a licensed funeral establishment located in the State of Michigan and which is in compliance with all laws and regulations, may become a Member Firm of the Association under such terms and conditions of Membership as set out in this Article, established by these Bylaws, or as established from time to time by the Board. If 50% or more of the ownership of a Member Firm changes during any 12-month period of time, upon written objection of any Member Firm to the continuation of membership of that Member Firm, such firm’s continuation of membership must be approved by both the membership of the district in which the firm is located and the Board. If a member firm engages in the profession of mortuary science at more than one location in Michigan, the member firm shall designate one of its licensed establishments as its Primary Establishment.
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Firm Membership Application (PDF)


Affiliate/Retiree Membership

Any person not employed by nor having a fi­nancial interest in a funeral firm, or who works an average of less than 17 1/2 hours a week in the funeral service profession, and who would otherwise qualify as an Active or Associate Member, shall be eli­gible for Affiliate Membership un­der such terms and conditions of Membership as set out in this Article, estab­lished by these Bylaws, or as established from time to time by the Board. An Affiliate Member shall not be entitled to hold office nor serve on the Board, but may speak on the floor of any Annual or Special Meeting of the Association. No person shall be eligible for this or any other member classi­fication so long as such person is employed by or has a financial interest in a fu­neral firm which is not a Member Firm.  Except for Affiliate Members over 65 years of age, or those who are permanently disabled, it shall be requirement of Affiliate membership that such person retain a Mortuary Science License in the State of Michigan. 
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Affiliate/Retiree Membership Application (PDF)

Non-Resident Membership

Any licensed funeral Director who is not a resident of Michigan and who is a member in good standing of his re­spective funeral Director association in his state or province of resi­dence, shall be eligible for Non-Resident Membership under such terms and con­ditions of Membership as set out in this Article, established by these Bylaws, or as established from time to time by the Board. Non-Resident Members shall not be entitled to hold office nor serve on any committees in a voting capacity, and may speak on the floor of any meeting of the Association only with the express consent of the presiding officer if not otherwise prohibited by the rules of the meeting.
Click Here to Join Online as a Non-Resident!

Non-Resident Membership Application (PDF)

Supplier Membership

Supplier Membership shall be open to any business which regularly sells funeral goods and/or services to Member Firms in Michigan as a substantial part of their business enterprise.  Any such eligible business or individual may apply for Supplier Membership in the Association pursuant to the terms and conditions of such membership as established from time to time by the Board. Supplier Member shall have such rights and privileges as shall be determined by the Board. Unless he is otherwise an Active or Associate Member, an owner or employee of a Supplier Member shall not be entitled to hold office or serve on any committees in a voting capacity or vote at any Annual or Special Meeting of the Association and may speak on the floor of any such meeting only with the express consent of the presiding Officer if not otherwise prohibited by the rules of the meeting.   
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Supplier Membership Application (PDF)

Student/Resident Trainee Membership

A licensed resident trainee employed by a member firm or a student who is enrolled in a school of mortuary science that is accredited by the American Board of Funeral Service Education may apply for Student/Resident Trainee Membership in the Association pursuant to the terms and condi­tions of such mem­ber­ship as established from time to time by the Board. A Student Member shall have such rights and privi­leges as shall be deter­mined by the Board. A Student Member shall not be en­titled to hold office nor serve on any com­mittees in a voting capacity nor vote at any Annual or Special Meeting of the Association and may speak on the floor of any such meeting only with the express consent of the presiding Officer if not oth­erwise prohib­ited by the rules of the meeting.
Click Here to Join Online as a Student/Resident Trainee!